






1 /*! 2 * CityPicker v@VERSION 3 * https://github.com/tshi0912/citypicker 4 * 5 * Copyright (c) 2015-@YEAR Tao Shi 6 * Released under the MIT license 7 * 8 * Date: @DATE 9 */ 10 11 12 ChineseDistricts={ 13 "86": { 14 "中国": [ 15 { 16 "address": "北京", 17 "code": "1" 18 }, 19 { 20 "address": "上海", 21 "code": "2" 22 }, 23 { 24 "address": "天津", 25 "code": "3" 26 }, 27 { 28 "address": "重庆", 29 "code": "4" 30 }, 31 { 32 "address": "河北", 33 "code": "5" 34 }, 35 { 36 "address": "山西", 37 "code": "6" 38 }, 39 { 40 "address": "河南", 41 "code": "7" 42 }, 43 { 44 "address": "辽宁", 45 "code": "8" 46 }, 47 { 48 "address": "吉林", 49 "code": "9" 50 }, 51 { 52 "address": "黑龙江", 53 "code": "10" 54 }, 55 { 56 "address": "内蒙古", 57 "code": "11" 58 }, 59 { 60 "address": "江苏", 61 "code": "12" 62 }, 63 { 64 "address": "山东", 65 "code": "13" 66 }, 67 { 68 "address": "安徽", 69 "code": "14" 70 }, 71 { 72 "address": "浙江", 73 "code": "15" 74 }, 75 { 76 "address": "福建", 77 "code": "16" 78 }, 79 { 80 "address": "湖北", 81 "code": "17" 82 }, 83 { 84 "address": "湖南", 85 "code": "18" 86 }, 87 { 88 "address": "广东", 89 "code": "19" 90 }, 91 { 92 "address": "广西", 93 "code": "20" 94 }, 95 { 96 "address": "江西", 97 "code": "21" 98 }, 99 { 100 "address": "四川", 101 "code": "22" 102 }, 103 { 104 "address": "海南", 105 "code": "23" 106 }, 107 { 108 "address": "贵州", 109 "code": "24" 110 }, 111 { 112 "address": "云南", 113 "code": "25" 114 }, 115 { 116 "address": "西藏", 117 "code": "26" 118 }, 119 { 120 "address": "陕西", 121 "code": "27" 122 }, 123 { 124 "address": "甘肃", 125 "code": "28" 126 }, 127 { 128 "address": "青海", 129 "code": "29" 130 }, 131 { 132 "address": "宁夏", 133 "code": "30" 134 }, 135 { 136 "address": "新疆", 137 "code": "31" 138 }, 139 { 140 "address": "台湾", 141 "code": "32" 142 }, 143 { 144 "address": "钓鱼岛", 145 "code": "84" 146 }, 147 { 148 "address": "港澳", 149 "code": "52993" 150 } 151 ] 152 } 153 }; 154 155 (function (factory) { 156 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { 157 // AMD. Register as anonymous module. 158 define(['jquery', 'ChineseDistricts'], factory); 159 } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { 160 // Node / CommonJS 161 factory(require('jquery'), require('ChineseDistricts')); 162 } else { 163 // Browser globals. 164 factory(jQuery, ChineseDistricts); 165 } 166 })(function ($, ChineseDistricts) { 167 168 'use strict'; 169 if (typeof ChineseDistricts === 'undefined') { 170 throw new Error('The file "city-picker.data.js" must be included first!'); 171 } 172 var NAMESPACE = 'citypicker'; 173 var EVENT_CHANGE = 'change.' + NAMESPACE; 174 var PROVINCE = 'province'; 175 var CITY = 'city'; 176 var DISTRICT = 'district'; 177 var COUNTY = 'county'; 178 179 function CityPicker(element, options) { 180 this.$element = $(element); 181 this.$dropdown = null; 182 this.options = $.extend({}, CityPicker.DEFAULTS, $.isPlainObject(options) && options); 183 this.active = false; 184 this.dems = []; 185 this.needBlur = false; 186 this.init(); 187 } 188 189 CityPicker.prototype = { 190 constructor: CityPicker, 191 192 init: function () { 193 194 this.defineDems(); 195 196 this.render(); 197 198 this.bind(); 199 200 this.active = true; 201 }, 202 //界面显示处理 203 render: function () { 204 var p = this.getPosition(), 205 placeholder = this.$element.attr('placeholder') || this.options.placeholder, 206 textspan = '<spancolor: #008080">207 this.getWidthStyle(p.width) + 'height:' + 208 p.height + 'px;line-height:' + (p.height - 1) + 'px;">' + 209 (placeholder ? '<span>' + placeholder + '</span>' : '') + 210 '<span></span><div></div>' + '</span>', 211 212 dropdown = '<divcolor: #008080">213 this.getWidthStyle(p.width, true) + '">' + 214 '<div>' + 215 '<div>' + 216 '<a data-count="province">省份</a>' + 217 (this.includeDem('city') ? '<a data-count="city">城市</a>' : '') + 218 (this.includeDem('district') ? '<a data-count="district">区县</a>' : '') + 219 (this.includeDem('county') ? '<a data-count="county">乡镇</a>' : '') + 220 '</div>' + 221 '<div>' + 222 '<div data-count="province"></div>' + 223 (this.includeDem('city') ? '<div data-count="city"></div>' : '') + 224 (this.includeDem('district') ? '<div data-count="district"></div>' : '') + 225 (this.includeDem('county') ? '<div data-count="county"></div>' : '') + 226 '</div></div>'; 227 228 this.$element.addClass('city-picker-input'); 229 this.$textspan = $(textspan).insertAfter(this.$element); 230 this.$dropdown = $(dropdown).insertAfter(this.$textspan); 231 var $select = this.$dropdown.find('.city-select'); 232 233 // setup this.$province, this.$city and/or this.$district object 234 $.each(this.dems, $.proxy(function (i, type) { 235 this['$' + type] = $select.filter('.' + type + ''); 236 }, this)); 237 238 this.refresh(); 239 }, 240 241 refresh: function (force) { 242 // clean the data-item for each $select 243 var $select = this.$dropdown.find('.city-select'); 244 $select.data('item', null); 245 // parse value from value of the target $element 246 var val = this.$element.val() || ''; 247 val = val.split('http://www.likecs.com/'); 248 $.each(this.dems, $.proxy(function (i, type) {//遍历dems 249 if (val[i] && i < val.length) { 250 this.options[type] = val[i];//把当前显示值赋值给options 251 } else if (force) { 252 this.options[type] = ''; 253 } 254 this.output(type);//输出下拉框显示数据 255 }, this)); 256 this.tab(PROVINCE); 257 this.feedText();//界面显示选择的内容 258 this.feedVal();//input标签value赋值 259 }, 260 //dems赋值 261 defineDems: function () { 262 var stop = false; 263 $.each([PROVINCE, CITY, DISTRICT,COUNTY], $.proxy(function (i, type) { 264 if (!stop) { 265 this.dems.push(type); 266 } 267 if (type === this.options.level) { 268 stop = true; 269 } 270 }, this)); 271 }, 272 273 includeDem: function (type) { 274 return $.inArray(type, this.dems) !== -1; 275 }, 276 277 getPosition: function () { 278 var p, h, w, s, pw; 279 p = this.$element.position(); 280 s = this.getSize(this.$element); 281 h = s.height; 282 w = s.width; 283 if (this.options.responsive) { 284 pw = this.$element.offsetParent().width(); 285 if (pw) { 286 w = w / pw; 287 if (w > 0.99) { 288 w = 1; 289 } 290 w = w * 100 + '%'; 291 } 292 } 293 294 return { 295 top: p.top || 0, 296 left: p.left || 0, 297 height: h, 298 width: w 299 }; 300 }, 301 302 getSize: function ($dom) { 303 var $wrap, $clone, sizes; 304 if (!$dom.is(':visible')) { 305 $wrap = $("<div />").appendTo($("body")); 306 $wrap.css({ 307 "position": "absolute !important", 308 "visibility": "hidden !important", 309 "display": "block !important" 310 }); 311 312 $clone = $dom.clone().appendTo($wrap); 313 314 sizes = { 315 width: $clone.outerWidth(), 316 height: $clone.outerHeight() 317 }; 318 319 $wrap.remove(); 320 } else { 321 sizes = { 322 width: $dom.outerWidth(), 323 height: $dom.outerHeight() 324 }; 325 } 326 327 return sizes; 328 }, 329 330 getWidthStyle: function (w, dropdown) { 331 if (this.options.responsive && !$.isNumeric(w)) { 332 return 'width:' + w + ';'; 333 } else { 334 return 'width:' + (dropdown ? Math.max(320, w) : w) + 'px;'; 335 } 336 }, 337 //绑定事件 338 bind: function () { 339 var $this = this; 340 $(document).on('click', (this._mouteclick = function (e) { 341 var $target = $(e.target); 342 var $dropdown, $span, $input; 343 if ($target.is('.city-picker-span')) { 344 $span = $target; 345 } else if ($target.is('.city-picker-span *')) { 346 $span = $target.parents('.city-picker-span'); 347 } 348 if ($target.is('.city-picker-input')) { 349 $input = $target; 350 } 351 if ($target.is('.city-picker-dropdown')) { 352 $dropdown = $target; 353 } else if ($target.is('.city-picker-dropdown *')) { 354 $dropdown = $target.parents('.city-picker-dropdown'); 355 } 356 if ((!$input && !$span && !$dropdown) || 357 ($span && $span.get(0) !== $this.$textspan.get(0)) || 358 ($input && $input.get(0) !== $this.$element.get(0)) || 359 ($dropdown && $dropdown.get(0) !== $this.$dropdown.get(0))) { 360 $this.close(true); 361 } 362 })); 363 this.$element.on('change', (this._changeElement = $.proxy(function () { 364 this.close(true); 365 this.refresh(true); 366 }, this))).on('focus', (this._focusElement = $.proxy(function () { 367 this.needBlur = true; 368 this.open(); 369 }, this))).on('blur', (this._blurElement = $.proxy(function () { 370 if (this.needBlur) { 371 this.needBlur = false; 372 this.close(true); 373 } 374 }, this))); 375 this.$textspan.on('click', function (e) { 376 var $target = $(e.target), type; 377 $this.needBlur = false; 378 if ($target.is('.select-item')) { 379 type = $target.data('count'); 380 $this.open(type); 381 } else { 382 if ($this.$dropdown.is(':visible')) { 383 $this.close(); 384 } else { 385 $this.open(); 386 } 387 } 388 }).on('mousedown', function () { 389 $this.needBlur = false; 390 }); 391 this.$dropdown.on('click', '.city-select a', function () { 392 var $select = $(this).parents('.city-select'); 393 var $active = $select.find('a.active'); 394 var last = $select.next().length === 0; 395 $active.removeClass('active'); 396 $(this).addClass('active'); 397 if ($active.data('code') !== $(this).data('code')) { 398 $select.data('item', { 399 address: $(this).attr('title'), code: $(this).data('code') 400 }); 401 $(this).trigger(EVENT_CHANGE); 402 $this.feedText(); 403 $this.feedVal(true); 404 if (last) { 405 $this.close(); 406 } 407 } 408 }).on('click', '.city-select-tab a', function () { 409 if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { 410 var type = $(this).data('count'); 411 $this.tab(type); 412 } 413 }).on('mousedown', function () { 414 $this.needBlur = false; 415 }); 416 if (this.$province) { 417 this.$province.on(EVENT_CHANGE, (this._changeProvince = $.proxy(function () { 418 if(this.output(CITY)){//判断下一个tab是否有数据,没有则关闭下拉 419 $this.close(); 420 return; 421 }; 422 this.output(CITY); 423 this.output(DISTRICT); 424 this.output(COUNTY); 425 this.tab(CITY); 426 }, this))); 427 } 428 if (this.$city) { 429 this.$city.on(EVENT_CHANGE, (this._changeCity = $.proxy(function () { 430 if(this.output(DISTRICT)){ 431 $this.close(); 432 return; 433 }; 434 this.output(COUNTY); 435 this.tab(DISTRICT); 436 }, this))); 437 } 438 439 if (this.$district) { 440 this.$district.on(EVENT_CHANGE, (this._changeDistrict = $.proxy(function () { 441 if(this.output(COUNTY)){ 442 $this.close(); 443 return; 444 }; 445 this.tab(COUNTY); 446 }, this))); 447 } 448 }, 449 //显示下拉 450 open: function (type) { 451 type = type || PROVINCE; 452 this.$dropdown.show(); 453 this.$textspan.addClass('open').addClass('focus'); 454 this.tab(type); 455 }, 456 //关闭下拉 457 close: function (blur) { 458 this.$dropdown.hide(); 459 this.$textspan.removeClass('open'); 460 if (blur) { 461 this.$textspan.removeClass('focus'); 462 } 463 }, 464 //解绑事件 465 unbind: function () { 466 467 $(document).off('click', this._mouteclick); 468 469 this.$element.off('change', this._changeElement); 470 this.$element.off('focus', this._focusElement); 471 this.$element.off('blur', this._blurElement); 472 473 this.$textspan.off('click'); 474 this.$textspan.off('mousedown'); 475 476 this.$dropdown.off('click'); 477 this.$dropdown.off('mousedown'); 478 479 if (this.$province) { 480 this.$province.off(EVENT_CHANGE, this._changeProvince); 481 } 482 483 if (this.$city) { 484 this.$city.off(EVENT_CHANGE, this._changeCity); 485 } 486 487 if (this.$district) { 488 this.$district.off(EVENT_CHANGE, this._changeDistrict); 489 } 490 }, 491 //获取选择项信息 492 getText: function () { 493 var text = ''; 494 this.$dropdown.find('.city-select') 495 .each(function () { 496 var item = $(this).data('item'), 497 type = $(this).data('count'); 498 if (item) { 499 text += ($(this).hasClass('province') ? '' : 'http://www.likecs.com/') + '<span data-count="' + 500 type + '" data-code="' + item.code + '">' + item.address + '</span>'; 501 } 502 }); 503 return text; 504 }, 505 getPlaceHolder: function () { 506 return this.$element.attr('placeholder') || this.options.placeholder; 507 }, 508 //显示placeholder或者选择的区域 509 feedText: function () { 510 var text = this.getText(); 511 if (text) { 512 this.$textspan.find('>.placeholder').hide(); 513 this.$textspan.find('>.title').html(this.getText()).show(); 514 } else { 515 this.$textspan.find('>.placeholder').text(this.getPlaceHolder()).show(); 516 this.$textspan.find('>.title').html('').hide(); 517 } 518 }, 519 getCode: function (count) { 520 var obj = {}, arr = []; 521 this.$textspan.find('.select-item') 522 .each(function () { 523 var code = $(this).data('code'); 524 var count = $(this).data('count'); 525 obj[count] = code; 526 arr.push(code); 527 }); 528 return count ? obj[count] : arr.join('http://www.likecs.com/'); 529 }, 530 getVal: function () { 531 var text = ''; 532 var code=''; 533 this.$dropdown.find('.city-select') 534 .each(function () { 535 var item = $(this).data('item'); 536 if (item) { 537 text += ($(this).hasClass('province') ? '' : 'http://www.likecs.com/') + item.address; 538 code += ($(this).hasClass('province') ? '' : '_') + item.code; 539 } 540 }); 541 $("#addrValue").val(code); 542 return text; 543 }, 544 //input的value赋值 545 feedVal: function (trigger) { 546 this.$element.val(this.getVal()); 547 if(trigger) { 548 this.$element.trigger('cp:updated'); 549 } 550 }, 551 //输出数据 552 output: function (type) { 553 var $this = this; 554 var options = this.options; 555 //var placeholders = this.placeholders; 556 var $select = this['$' + type]; 557 var data = type === PROVINCE ? {} : []; 558 var item; 559 var districts; 560 var code; 561 var matched = null; 562 var value; 563 if (!$select || !$select.length) { 564 return; 565 } 566 item = $select.data('item'); 567 value = (item ? item.address : null) || options[type]; 568 code = ( 569 type === PROVINCE ? 86 : 570 type === CITY ? this.$province && this.$province.find('.active').data('code') : 571 type === DISTRICT ? this.$city && this.$city.find('.active').data('code') : 572 type === COUNTY ? this.$district && this.$district.find('.active').data('code') : code 573 ); 574 //districts = $.isNumeric(code) ? ChineseDistricts[code] : null; 575        //判断是否应该去远程加载数据 576 districts = $.isNumeric(code) ? this.remoteLoadData(type,code) : null; 577 if ($.isPlainObject(districts)) { 578 $.each(districts, function (code, address) { 579 var provs; 580 if (type === PROVINCE) { 581 provs = []; 582 for (var i = 0; i < address.length; i++) { 583 if (address[i].address === value) { 584 matched = { 585 code: address[i].code, 586 address: address[i].address 587 }; 588 } 589 provs.push({ 590 code: address[i].code, 591 address: address[i].address, 592 selected: address[i].address === value 593 }); 594 } 595 data[code] = provs; 596 } else { 597 if (address === value) { 598 matched = { 599 code: code, 600 address: address 601 }; 602 } 603 data.push({ 604 code: code, 605 address: address, 606 selected: address === value 607 }); 608 } 609 }); 610 } 611 612 $select.html(type === PROVINCE ? this.getProvinceList(data) : 613 this.getList(data, type)); 614 $select.data('item', matched);//当前tab添加item(包含选择对象的内容) 615 if(! (type === PROVINCE)){//标识:下一个选项没有数据则关闭 616 if(data.length==0){ 617 return true; 618 } 619 } 620 }, 621 //遍历省份 622 getProvinceList: function (data) { 623 var list = [], 624 $this = this, 625 simple = this.options.simple; 626 627 $.each(data, function (i, n) { 628 list.push('<dl>'); 629 list.push('<dt>' + i + '</dt><dd>'); 630 $.each(n, function (j, m) { 631 list.push( 632 '<a' + 633 ' title="' + (m.address || '') + '"' + 634 ' data-code="' + (m.code || '') + '"' + 635 'color: #008080">636 (m.selected ? ' active' : '') + 637 '">' + 638 ( simple ? $this.simplize(m.address, PROVINCE) : m.address) + 639 '</a>'); 640 }); 641 list.push('</dd></dl>'); 642 }); 643 644 return list.join(''); 645 }, 646 //遍历市或区或县 647 getList: function (data, type) { 648 var list = [], 649 $this = this, 650 simple = this.options.simple; 651 list.push('<dl><dd>'); 652 653 $.each(data, function (i, n) { 654 list.push( 655 '<a' + 656 ' title="' + (n.address || '') + '"' + 657 ' data-code="' + (n.code || '') + '"' + 658 'color: #008080">659 (n.selected ? ' active' : '') + 660 '">' + 661 ( simple ? $this.simplize(n.address, type) : n.address) + 662 '</a>'); 663 }); 664 list.push('</dd></dl>'); 665 666 return list.join(''); 667 }, 668 //简化名字 669 simplize: function (address, type) { 670 address = address || ''; 671 if (type === PROVINCE) { 672 return address.replace(/[省,市,自治区,壮族,回族,维吾尔]/g, ''); 673 } else if (type === CITY) { 674 return address.replace(/[市,地区,回族,蒙古,苗族,白族,傣族,景颇族,藏族,彝族,壮族,傈僳族,布依族,侗族]/g, '') 675 .replace('哈萨克', '').replace('自治州', '').replace(/自治县/, ''); 676 } else if (type === DISTRICT) { 677 return address.length > 2 ? address.replace(/[市,区,县,旗]/g, '') : address; 678 } 679 }, 680 //处理tab显示 681 tab: function (type) { 682 var $selects = this.$dropdown.find('.city-select'); 683 var $tabs = this.$dropdown.find('.city-select-tab > a'); 684 var $select = this['$' + type]; 685 var $tab = this.$dropdown.find('.city-select-tab > a[data-count="' + type + '"]'); 686 if ($select) { 687 $selects.hide(); 688 $select.show(); 689 $tabs.removeClass('active'); 690 $tab.addClass('active'); 691 } 692 }, 693 694 reset: function () { 695 this.$element.val(null).trigger('change'); 696 }, 697 698 destroy: function () { 699 this.unbind(); 700 this.$element.removeData(NAMESPACE).removeClass('city-picker-input'); 701 this.$textspan.remove(); 702 this.$dropdown.remove(); 703 }, 704 //远程加载数据 705 remoteLoadData: function (cityType,cityId) { 706 var resultData = {}; 707 if(PROVINCE===cityType) 708 { 709 return ChineseDistricts[cityId]; 710 } 711 $.ajax({ 712 url: "/directoryProcurement/jd/cityData/"+cityType+"http://www.likecs.com/"+cityId, 713 type: "GET", 714 dataType: "json", 715 async: false, 716 contentType: "application/json", 717 success: function (result) { 718 if(result.code=="0") 719 { 720 resultData = result.data; 721 }else 722 { 723 console.log(result.desc); 724 } 725 } 726 }); 727 return resultData; 728 } 729 }; 730 731 CityPicker.DEFAULTS = { 732 simple: false, 733 responsive: false, 734 placeholder: '请选择省/市/区/镇', 735 level: 'county', 736 province: '', 737 city: '', 738 district: '', 739 county:'' 740 }; 741 742 CityPicker.setDefaults = function (options) { 743 $.extend(CityPicker.DEFAULTS, options); 744 }; 745 746 // Save the other citypicker 747 CityPicker.other = $.fn.citypicker; 748 749 // Register as jQuery plugin 750 $.fn.citypicker = function (option) { 751 var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); 752 753 return this.each(function () { 754 var $this = $(this); 755 var data = $this.data(NAMESPACE); 756 var options; 757 var fn; 758 759 if (!data) { 760 if (/destroy/.test(option)) { 761 return; 762 } 763 764 options = $.extend({}, $this.data(), $.isPlainObject(option) && option); 765 $this.data(NAMESPACE, (data = new CityPicker(this, options))); 766 } 767 768 if (typeof option === 'string' && $.isFunction(fn = data[option])) { 769 fn.apply(data, args); 770 } 771 }); 772 }; 773 774 $.fn.citypicker.Constructor = CityPicker; 775 $.fn.citypicker.setDefaults = CityPicker.setDefaults; 776 777 // No conflict 778 $.fn.citypicker.noConflict = function () { 779 $.fn.citypicker = CityPicker.other; 780 return this; 781 }; 782 783 $(function () { 784 $('[data-toggle="city-picker"]').citypicker(); 785 }); 786 });

