Spring shiro + bootstrap + jquery.validate 实现登录、注册







$().ready(function() { /**登录验证**/ $("#login_form").validate({ rules: { loginAccount: "required", loginPass: { required: true, minlength: 5 }, }, messages: { loginAccount: "请输入姓名", loginPass: { required: "请输入密码", minlength: jQuery.format("密码不能小于{0}个字 符") }, }, submitHandler:function(form){ $.ajax({ dataType : "json", url : "sysuser/login.action", type : "post", data : $("#login_form").serialize(), success : function(data) { $.alert(data.message); if(data.success){ window.location.href = 'page/main.action'; } }, error : function (e){ var d = e.responseJSON; if(d){ $.alert(d.message); } } }); return false; //阻止form提交 } }); /**注册验证**/ $("#register_form").validate({ rules: { loginAccount:{ required:true, remote: { url: "sysuser/getUserNameCount.action", type: "post", dataType: "json", data: { loginAccount: function () { return $("#register_account").val(); } }, dataFilter: function (data) {    //判断控制器返回的内容 data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); return data.success; } } }, loginPass: { required: true, minlength: 5, maxlength:20 }, rloginPass: { equalTo: "#register_password" }, userEmail: { required: true, email: true, remote: { url: "sysuser/getEMailCount.action", type: "post", dataType: "json", data: { email: function () { return $("#register_email").val(); } }, dataFilter: function (data) {    //判断控制器返回的内容 data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); return data.success; } } } }, messages: { loginAccount:{ required: "请输入姓名", remote: "用户名已存在" }, loginPass: { required: "请输入密码", minlength: jQuery.format("密码不能小于{0}个字 符"), maxlength: jQuery.format("密码不能大于{0}个字 符"), }, rloginPass: { required: "请输入确认密码", equalTo: "两次密码不一样" }, userEmail: { required: "请输入邮箱", email: "请输入有效邮箱", remote: "邮箱已存在" } }, submitHandler:function(form){ $.ajax({ dataType : "json", url : "sysuser/register.action", type : "post", data : $("#register_form").serialize(), success : function(data) { $.alert(data.message); if(data.success){ window.location.href = 'page/main.action'; } }, error : function (e){ var d = e.responseJSON; if(d){ $.alert(d.message); } } }); return false; //阻止form提交 } }); /**隐藏显示登录注册**/ $("#register_btn").click(function() { $("#register_form").css("display", "block"); $("#login_form").css("display", "none"); }); $("#back_btn").click(function() { $("#register_form").css("display", "none"); $("#login_form").css("display", "block"); }); });


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