
// Request to merge all of the file chunks into one file app.get('*/api/CelerFTFileUpload/MergeAll*', function(request,response) { if (request.method === 'GET') { // Get the extension from the file name var extension =path.extname(request.param('filename')); // Get the base file name var baseFilename =path.basename(request.param('filename'), extension); var localFilePath =uploadpath + request.param('directoryname')+ 'https://www.jb51.net/' + baseFilename; // Check if all of the file chunks have be uploaded // Note we only wnat the files with a *.tmp extension var files =getfilesWithExtensionName(localFilePath, 'tmp') /*if (err) { response.status(500).send(err); return; }*/ if (files.length !=request.param('numberOfChunks')){ response.status(400).send('Number of file chunks less than total count'); return; } var filename =localFilePath + 'https://www.jb51.net/'+ baseFilename +extension; var outputFile =fs.createWriteStream(filename); // Done writing the file // Move it to top level directory // and create MD5 hash outputFile.on('finish', function (){ console.log('file has been written'); // New name for the file var newfilename = uploadpath +request.param('directoryname')+ 'https://www.jb51.net/' + baseFilename + extension; // Check if file exists at top level if it does delete it //if (fs.ensureFileSync(newfilename)) { fs.removeSync(newfilename); //} // Move the file fs.move(filename, newfilename ,function (err) { if (err) { response.status(500).send(err); return; } else { // Delete the temporary directory fs.removeSync(localFilePath); varhash = crypto.createHash('md5'), hashstream = fs.createReadStream(newfilename); hashstream.on('data', function (data) { hash.update(data) }); hashstream.on('end', function (){ var md5results =hash.digest('hex'); // Send back a sucessful response with the file name response.status(200).send('Sucessfully merged file ' + filename + ", " + md5results.toUpperCase()); response.end(); }); } }); }); // Loop through the file chunks and write them to the file // files[index] retunrs the name of the file. // we need to add put in the full path to the file for (var index infiles) { console.log(files[index]); var data = fs.readFileSync(localFilePath +'https://www.jb51.net/' +files[index]); outputFile.write(data); fs.removeSync(localFilePath + 'https://www.jb51.net/' + files[index]); } outputFile.end(); } }) ;


// String padding left code taken from // String.prototype.padLeft = function (paddingChar, length) { var s = new String(this); if ((this.length< length)&& (paddingChar.toString().length > 0)) { for (var i = 0; i < (length - this.length) ; i++) { s = paddingChar.toString().charAt(0).concat(s); } } return s; } ;

其中一件事是,发表上篇文章后我继续研究是为了通过域名碎片实现并行上传到CeleFT功能。域名碎片的原理是访问一个web站点时,让web浏览器建立更多的超过正常允许范围的并发连接。 域名碎片可以通过使用不同的域名(如web1.example.com,web2.example.com)或者不同的端口号(如8000, 8001)托管web站点的方式实现。


我们使用 iisnode 把 Node.js集成到 IIS( Microsoft Internet Information Services)实现这一点。 下载兼容你操作系统的版本 iisnode (x86) 或者  iisnode (x64)。 下载 IIS URL重写包。


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图片8 文件夹层级

