在ASP.NET MVC项目中使用RequireJS库的用法示例(2)


require(['../config'], function () { require(['home.index2']); }) , define("home.index2", ['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function () { //main module code here })



var build = { appDir: '../js', baseUrl: '.', dir: '../js-built', mainConfigFile: '../js/config.js', modules: [ //First set up the common build layer. { //module names are relative to baseUrl name: 'config', //List common dependencies here. Only need to list //top level dependencies, "include" will find //nested dependencies. include: ["bootstrap", "config","jquery"] }, //Now set up a build layer for each page, but exclude //the common one. "exclude" will exclude nested //the nested, built dependencies from "common". Any //"exclude" that includes built modules should be //listed before the build layer that wants to exclude it. //"include" the appropriate "app/main*" module since by default //it will not get added to the build since it is loaded by a nested //require in the page*.js files. { name:"app/home.index", exclude:["config"] }, { name:"app/blog.create", exclude:["config"] }, ... ] }


node.exe r.js -o build.js




fs = require('fs'); var target_build = process.argv[2]; //console.log(__filename); var pwd = __dirname; var js_path = pwd.substring(0,pwd.lastIndexOf('\\')) + '\\js'; console.log('js path : ' + js_path); var app_path = js_path + '\\app'; console.log('js app path : ' +app_path); var app_modules = []; var global_modules = []; //build json object var build = { appDir: '../js', baseUrl: '.', dir: '../js-built', modules: [ //First set up the common build layer. { //module names are relative to baseUrl name: 'config', //List common dependencies here. Only need to list //top level dependencies, "include" will find //nested dependencies. include: [] } ] } fs.readdir(app_path,function (err,files) { // body... if (err) throw err; for(var i in files){ //put module in app_modules var dotindex = files[i].lastIndexOf('.'); if(dotindex >= 0){ var extension = files[i].substring(dotindex+1,files[i].length); if(extension == 'js'){ app_modules.push({ name: 'app/' + files[i].substring(0,dotindex), exclude: ['config'] }); } } } for(var j in app_modules){ build.modules.push(app_modules[j]); } fs.readdir(js_path,function (err,files){ if (err) throw err; for(var i in files){ //put module in app_modules var dotindex = files[i].lastIndexOf('.'); if(dotindex >= 0){ var extension = files[i].substring(dotindex+1,files[i].length); if(extension == 'js'){ global_modules.push(files[i].substring(0,dotindex)); } } } build.modules[0].include = global_modules; //console.log(build); var t = pwd + '\\' + target_build; console.log(t); var fd = fs.openSync(t, 'w'); fs.closeSync(fd); var json = JSON.stringify(build); fs.writeFileSync(t, json); }); });

