
function W = svdd(a,fracrej,sigma)

[alf,R2,Dx,J] = svdd_optrbf(sigma,+a,signlab,C);




Data Description Matlab toolbox. (version 1.9.1)

This toolbox is an add-on to the PRTools toolbox. The toolbox contains algorithms to train, investigate, visualize and evaluate one-class classifiers (or data descriptions, novelty descriptors, outlier detectors). Some experience with the PRTools toolbox is recommended. This toolbox is developed as a research tool so no guarantees can be given.

- Requirements:

In order to make this toolbox work, you need:
0. A computer and some enthusiasm
1. Matlab with the - optimization toolbox (for svdd and lpdd)
                                - statistics toolbox (for randsph)
                        and - neural network toolbox (for autoenc_dd)
2. PRTools 4.0.0 or higher
3. This toolbox.

- Installation:

The installation of the toolbox is almost trivial. Unzip the file, store the contents in a directory (name it for instance DD_TOOLS) and add this directory to your matlab path.

- Information and example code:

For the most basic information, type help DD_TOOLS (use the directory name where the toolbox is stored). Some simple (and some not so simple!) one-class examples are given in dd_ex1 till dd_ex15. For more background information, please have a look at the pdf file included in the directory. Some examples of the operation of the procedures in the toolbox are given on the web-pages:

