
# Set the replication backlog size. The backlog is a buffer that accumulates
# slave data when slaves are disconnected for some time, so that when a slave
# wants to reconnect again, often a full resync is not needed, but a partial
# resync is enough, just passing the portion of data the slave missed while
# disconnected.
# The bigger the replication backlog, the longer the time the slave can be
# disconnected and later be able to perform a partial resynchronization.
# The backlog is only allocated once there is at least a slave connected.
# 设置数据备份的backlog大小。backlog是一个slave在一段时间内断开连接时记录salve数据的缓冲,
# 所以一个slave在重新连接时,不必要全量的同步,而是一个增量同步就足够了,将在断开连接的这段
# 时间内slave丢失的部分数据传送给它。
# 同步的backlog越大,slave能够进行增量同步并且允许断开连接的时间就越长。
# backlog只分配一次并且至少需要一个slave连接
# repl-backlog-size 1mb

# After a master has no longer connected slaves for some time, the backlog
# will be freed. The following option configures the amount of seconds that
# need to elapse, starting from the time the last slave disconnected, for
# the backlog buffer to be freed.
# A value of 0 means to never release the backlog.
# 当master在一段时间内不再与任何slave连接,backlog将会释放。以下选项配置了从��后一个
# slave断开开始计时多少秒后,backlog缓冲将会释放。
# 0表示永不释放backlog
# repl-backlog-ttl 3600

# The slave priority is an integer number published by Redis in the INFO output.
# It is used by Redis Sentinel in order to select a slave to promote into a
# master if the master is no longer working correctly.
# A slave with a low priority number is considered better for promotion, so
# for instance if there are three slaves with priority 10, 100, 25 Sentinel will
# pick the one with priority 10, that is the lowest.
# However a special priority of 0 marks the slave as not able to perform the
# role of master, so a slave with priority of 0 will never be selected by
# Redis Sentinel for promotion.
# By default the priority is 100.

# slave的优先级是一个整数展示在Redis的Info输出中。如果master不再正常工作了,哨兵将用它来
# 选择一个slave提升=升为master。
# 优先级数字小的salve会优先考虑提升为master,所以例如有三个slave优先级分别为10,100,25,
# 哨兵将挑选优先级最小数字为10的slave。
# 0作为一个特殊的优先级,标识这个slave不能作为master,所以一个优先级为0的slave永远不会被
# 哨兵挑选提升为master
# 默认优先级为100
slave-priority 100

# It is possible for a master to stop accepting writes if there are less than
# N slaves connected, having a lag less or equal than M seconds.
# The N slaves need to be in "online" state.
# The lag in seconds, that must be <= the specified value, is calculated from
# the last ping received from the slave, that is usually sent every second.
# This option does not GUARANTEE that N replicas will accept the write, but
# will limit the window of exposure for lost writes in case not enough slaves
# are available, to the specified number of seconds.
# For example to require at least 3 slaves with a lag <= 10 seconds use:
# min-slaves-to-write 3
# min-slaves-max-lag 10
# Setting one or the other to 0 disables the feature.
# By default min-slaves-to-write is set to 0 (feature disabled) and
# min-slaves-max-lag is set to 10.
# master里面如果slave少于N个延时小于等于M秒的已连接slave,就可以停止接收写操作。
# N个slave需要是“oneline”状态
# 延时是以秒为单位,并且必须小于等于指定值,是从最后一个从slave接收到的ping(通常每秒发送)
# 开始计数。
# 这个设置选项并不保证多个从redis都会接受到这个写请求,
# 但是可以减小这个数据丢失的机率,一旦没有满足数量的从服务器或者没达到这个延时秒数之下.
# 例如至少需要3个延时小于等于10秒的slave用下面的指令:
# min-slaves-to-write 3
# min-slaves-max-lag 10
# 两者之一设置为0将禁用这个功能。
# 默认 min-slaves-to-write 值是0(该功能禁用)并且 min-slaves-max-lag 值是10。

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